
Monday, August 02, 2004

Ignorance is inversely related to one's distance from an ocean

I've realized over a long span of time that our country's current leaders are not in our best interest. I don't pretend that I'm a politically savvy person, but I do possess a greater than average perspective. It seems completely obvious that in the past four years our government, and more specifically our president (G-dub to the layperson) is driving our nation into a quagmire. For personal gain of both money and power, our founding priciples are tossed aside like so many red-headed stepchildren.

Note to reader: Form opinion on current president, don't vote blind. Step back and really take an honest look at what has happened to our great country.

I could sit here and write volumes about the wrongs and rights of the administration. All of the political ass-rapings and blatant stupidities, but that's not what I'm getting at here. We elected him (at least I sort of think we might have...) to run this country. He's fucked it up beyond all recognition, and his term seems akin to something along the lines of letting Hellen Keller behind the wheel of a semi-truck driving through a glass factory. Oops, our bad. Let's right the wrong next election then.

If that was the case, how in the world can he be behind by only a few measly percentage points in the polls!?!?

I'll tell you how. Coastal Proximity. That land between LA and New York called America is to blame. The land of brutal republican devotion beyond any other thing. My brethren, the downtrodden. Lower-to-middle class white families, also know as middle america or white trash. Ignorance is the Mississippi river on which the ship of fools sets sail. Us coastal folk, East or West, have a leg up. I think living near the ocean gives one a sense of enlightenment, the forces of nature and mother earth drowning out the seemingly inherited idiocy present in the minds of those who cannot hear the neverending roar of the sea. It doesn't help that they're also shuttered away from the progressive, advancing pools of our society who can see right through the bullshit.

We need to provide everyone with an ocean, so here I say this.....we're screwed. The percentage of people who have the blessing of the ocean are a minority. I think Kerry should be sending everyone from Nevada to the Carolina's a copy of that "sea sounds of serenity" CD you see on late night infomercials. Something gotta change here people, another 4 yrs of G-dipshit and we're not going to be able to right our wrongs for many, many generations.

I've never voted in my life, but I will this year. My vote will be counted this year, not to elect anyone, but to go my part to ensure that someone will not be re-elected. I urge everyone to form your educated opinions about where you want your 1 vote to go, and then to carry that out. It matters not who you vote for, as long as it's for the right reasons......yours. If everyone does that, our nation's path will become. If not, I fear for the future, and for my children's future...


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